Toothy Notes. ^_^

check out my Formspring!
i LOVE answering questions! it's just so fun! xD
so check my profile out at :
OR! you can ask me on the right side, above the 'About Me,' thingy. ^_^

i have a phone that i'd like to sell. it's a HTC Fuze.
it is a gorgeous little thing, but i'm not a huge phone person. i stick to my only phone, a Blackburry. ^_^ plus, i'm in dire need of money. =.=
it was a gift from a loved one, but my family comes first.
so i hope you can help us out by purchasing this phone. (:
if you want more details of the phone, ie. pictures, how it works, and blahh, please do not hesitate to contact me at:


we can talk about pricing and stuff, if you love me oh so much. xD

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I is Back! :D

i'm back! x3
i find that having these blogs really clear my mind out, so why stop? hhaha.
it's just been a crazy time for me, but it'll all work out. (:

but i wanted to do a "Tooth Extraction Progress" chart thingy. xD
where i got my tooth pulled out is doing pretty awesomes! it's healing really well, but i do get some pain when i grind my teeth. and yea, i grind my teeth a lot. =.="

Day 1 : my tooth extraction on July 21st. had to wait for a LONG time to go into a room. and then i had to wait about another hour for my dentist. after finding that the decay touched a nerve, i had to pull it out. :O so had to wait another half an hour. FINALLY after getting it pulled out, i had gotten a paper about taking care of my extraction (which didn't help at all, SO! i did online research. ^_^ i also got prescribed a pain killer, generic to Motrin. right after getting home, i took a pill. i'm suppose to eat something before taking the medicine but i wasn't hungry. but was told to eat. i tried congee with meat, failed. jello, failed. so i just drank a whole buncha water! ^_^ 

after a few hours, the bleeding subsided! but then around 5pm, it started bleeding again! and i panicked, but found out it was normal. xD so six hours later (when i first took the pill) i took another and attempted to eat bland congee. =.=" it was easier to eat with out the gauze in the way, but i was VERY cautious. too cautious i might add when i think about it. xD

but then, around 11 pm, it started to bleed again. i remembered reading about bitting on a moistened tea bag with stop the bleeding due to the tannic acid; and boy did i work! after half an hour, i took it out, and went to sleep. no more bleeding the next day. ^_^

Day 2 : there wasn't anymore bleeding, but there was pain. i went to the Oral Surgeon on Day 2 and did all kinds of stuff, which i will talk about in my next post. (: but after going to the Surgeon, my mom took us to Pizza Street. xD she told me to eat some, but chew on my left side, since the tooth was pulled on my upper right side. ^_^ i ate about two slices since it was so hard, and i didn't want anything to poke it.

after getting home from the buffet, i went to rinse my mouth with salt water (one cup of water & 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt) since it removes anything stuck to the extraction area. after that, i took more medicine, ate congee, and just went on with the day. (:

Day 3 : everyday's practically the same, unless something exciting happens. xD so in the evening i check where the tooth was pulled out and saw white spots. i panicked like crazy and went to ask my mom. she didn't help out by saying don't worry about it. she's now dentist btw. so i went to the internet! *insert superhero dun dun dun sounds* and i found out that it just meant the area is healing. i did a cross and blessed the Lord. xD

Day 4 : i stopped eating congee and ate more softer foods. rice, jello, milk, oatmeal, and other soft foods. still continued taking my medicine still.

Day 5 : i checked the area after eating pho, a Vietnamese noodle dish. it's VERY yummy. and i noticed that the swelling was reduced and that there was less dark red parts, and more pinker areas; which means that those pink areas are almost healed. ^_^ also! forgot to mention that i iced my face for twenty minutes, every two hours on the first day! it helped a lot with swelling. the swelling isn't noticeable on the outside but in the inside. :O but after finding that out, i was UBER happy! ^_^

Day 6 : just a normal ol' day. still taking my medicine every six hours. i also accidently bit a piece of Ritz cracker on my right side and got scared. but i flushed it down with water. and also! i keep (and still do) rinse my mouth with salt water after a meal. it's important to drink a lot of water because it keeps you hydrated! i drink about 5 to 8 bottles of water everyday. :D

Day 7 & 8 : another normal day. well, i do get pain if i grind my teeth together. but i try to ignore it after taking my medicine. so far, so good. i brush my teeth normally, but more cautious around the gums and teeth around the extraction site. ^_^

i forgot to add some stuff, so i'll just add it here. ^_^

you can't rinse your mouth or spit or anything like that on day 1. and when i mean rinse, i mean with mouthwash.
i brushed my teeth on my left side in Day 2. and also the bottom right ones. left the ones near the site alone.
i started to brush my upper right teeth around day 4. i think. not sure. but i fully brushed my teeth on day 7. (:
also floss! i floss VERY gently where the extraction site is, so yea. good hygiene is important in healing.

there's also a thing called 'dry socket.' it's rare but does happen. 5% of the time, this is when a patient gets it. its when the blood clot, the thing that stops the bleeding and helps the area heal, is fallen off or removed, or spit out. that's why you have to be careful if rinsing your mouth the next day. you drool it out, instead of spitting. dry socket happens 3-5 days after the tooth extraction, so it's crucial being careful!

and no poking the site! i keep poking it on accident, but nothing bad happens. well, not that i know of. but be careful!

i think i'm quite lucky to have a premolar removed, rather than a wisdom tooth, because i think it heals slower and harder to manage. i mean a tooth ALLL the way back there is heard to handle. but i have to manage, since i'm getting all four pulled out in December. =.="

but it's ok! i'm keeping positive, because any stress or mistreatment to yourself will you hurt even more. (:

and that's it!
if you read this whole post, leave a comment and bless your heart. :D
<3 - stacy. (:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


heya. (:
how are you gals doing?

long time no post, and this will be probably be my last post for awhile. (:

i haven't been feeling well; just not myself.

i've been thinking excessively; something that people aged like me do, but ehh.
i guess i need time to myself. i wish i can go climb a mountain and just breathe mountain air. i need a job to just release myself i guess.

i'll post when something awesome happens, or when i'm just back on track. :D

plus, i have all these fears killing me now. =.="
but i shalls solve it! woot woot!

plus, i just got my tooth extracted and it's a pain BUT being positive is always part of healing faster. ^_^

so good-bye for now. (:
stay minty yet lovely, yuhh hear?

<3 - stacy. (:

i LOVE reading; well books that interest me. XD
i love the Mortal Instruments series.

whole buncha adventure, with a dash of sarcasm and comedy on top, along with a side of romance.


ps! i love all the followers that i have with alll my heart. i can't even express how happy i am to even reach five.
thankies tonssssssss. ^_^

i've been going crazy with music lately. xD
alotttta comebacks with Korean artists. :D
listening to music alllll day long. <3

Grrrr. Tooth Extraction. ):

hello. (:
how's your teeth doin' lately?
better than mine i bet. =.="

so remember when i told you about how i had to reschedule my appointment for a cavity filling?
well yea, it was today and there was NOT a filling!

i had an extraction instead. =.=" pure pain!

when they did x-rays for my teeth, they said my premolar had a small cavity.

the cavity was deeper than the x-ray showed, touching a nerve.
so my dentist said that others might recommend root canal procedure (which is a VERY long, and excruciating process apparently), while she says to take the tooth out. 'JUST YANK IT OUT, HUH?' i thought to myself while she was explaining everything to me.

i was on the thing that makes part of your mouth numb, so yea. it felt weird. O.O
after the forms were signed, she told there was going to be a lot of pushing; and boy was she right!
i felt like tug of war in my mouth! after a while, i heard a breaking sound, then somethings on my tongue. i didn't ask but i think it was my tooth pieces, that were later sucked by the tube thing.

she prescribed me a painkiller and bless her heart, because like ten minutes after walking out of the dentist office, i felt the pain. VERY hurting!

i get home and went straight to a water bottle and then poured it into a cup and then warming it up AND then took my medicine!
took like ten minutes for it to kick in and bye bye pain; for now....

i also had, and still is (as of right now, typing this! XD) bitting on a gauze. it was uncomfortable at first until i had to start eating. my step-dad nagged at me for not eating since i took medicine. i wasn't even hungry, but i still ate like less then a spoonful of congee (type of rice porridge i guess). didn't work out.

after did some research, i found out that i could eat Jello. ^_^ and ironic that i made some yesterday. so i ate some, well tried, because i have no idea how to eat with a gauze in the way.
after eating i decided to change my gauze (hand clean and everything!) and i saw extra bleeding.

knowing who i am, i panic and get scared. i still put the gauze in and researched away.

apparently it is normal to bleed post-op. but if it still bleeds like a crazy banana after 6-8 hours, contact dentist-er!

bless the internet! i learn so much whenever i research something, so bless!

for now, wish me luck!
i'm craving fried rice and can't have any because no hard foods for about three days. i might stay away from hard foods for a LONG time until a blood clot forms (i still don't understand this part. =.="). so now, what do i eat? i have no idea how to eat with a gauze in my mouth.

but no more whiny! being positive is crucial in healing, so is water. ^_^

so good-bye for now. (:
<3 - stacy. (:

gauze packet! only got four. ):
need two each time. and one of them got ruined by evil sticking packing! grr!!

sideways me! i look really... un me. XD
maybe from waiting about two hours to have a 'filling' to waiting another 30 minutes to remove tooth. =.=
or because i got only 5 hours of sleep? idk. 
but you can kinna see my first gauze! XD

and yes, i am to lazy to rotate my picture. x3


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Quick Tip. (: GUMS!!!! + Massaging? ...

hello! :D
how's your teeth?


my quick tip today is about your gums.
yes, i said GUMS!

but anyways!

i learned that massaging your gums twice (MORE IS BETTER! keke.) a day is super awesome for your gums.

massaging your gums stimulate blood circulation, which will help with healthier gums; overtime of course.
this can help prevent gum disease, and make your gums pinker and healthier.

if your gums are red and puffy, which isn't good, massage them for a bit.
when your gums are red and puffy, they tend to bleed a lot when flossing.

flossing is IMPORTANT!
it removes plaque and nasty stuff between your teeth,
if not flossing, the bacteria can get into your gums and blahh.

brush twice a day, or more.

i guess with your teeth, more is better. (:

when massaging your gums, make sure your hands are CLEAN! CLEEEEEEEAN!

i hope you got the message i was trying to tell you. ^_^

i massage my gums with OraMD.
i put a drop on my CLEAN finger and massage it on my gums.
i do it twice, one for bottom, on for top. :D

i hope this helps out.
<3 -  stacy. (:

ps! you can buy OraMD at their website :

good luck!

pss! comment replies aren't going to be done in posts anymore.
i'll just stalk your blog and reply there. jk!
i'll reply; no stalky. xD <3

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kissing is actually... beneficial to the mouth? ...

i love my title for this post. xD
so... funny. ROFL!

i haven't gotten much time to research and share with you guys and gals any new findings.
but i hope you've done your own research; if so, start sharing! xD
plus, there isn't much going on with my teeth life. probably a one month OraMD update. otherwise... not too sure. sorry. ):

anyways! back to saliva. xD
never thought i'd say that one day, but the day has come!

i learned that saliva is SUPER important! it's a coat of oxygen that protects your teeth. (who knew?)
it's very important to keep your mouth moist, and not even close to dry, because saliva is just like the white blood cells in your body; it fights those nasty bacteria in your mouth/ enters your mouth.

most mouthwashes contain alcohol, which is an drying agent.
the thing i like about OraMD is that it's very versatile.

a toothpaste (tooth liquid?), mouthwash & a mouth freshener (like breath mints).
with the mouthwash, you need an ounce of water and two-five drops of OraMD, and gargle away.

with OraMD, i noticed that it helps generate more saliva. which is coolers. ^_^
if not using OraMD, always remember to gargle for your throat. a lot of bacteria is situated there, ready to invade your body. -.-

so onto the kissing part.
kissing (or crazy smoochin') will make a lot of saliva.
i never thought of it, until reading about it on a iTune's app, 'Cool Facts.' *mumbles* cool my butt.

for me, i haven't have my first kisso yet, so i shrug. *shrugs*
but for you. get your smoochin' on! ROFL!
just do the good, and not the bad...

so yea!
that's itto for now-o. xD
see you on the next post.
<3 - stacy. (:

ps- it's kind of pointless to make a blog where no one reads it, but what the hay? same for my other blog, but i guess it's for me to just relieve by typing/writing.
bye yerrs.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Formspringin' ! xD

annyeong mintylovelies!

long time no see!
but i haven't gotten comments lately. ) :
i miss comments, or a simple heller.

but it's ok! *i smile*

so i made a formspring! 
i LOVE answering questions asked by people! 
not on stoooopid tests or whatever. xD


and i'm working on a post right now. :D

<3 - stacy. (:

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Whitening Teeth w/o Damaging Your Pocket >.>

quicky post!

aren't your teeth a bit yellow?
ehh. mine is too.

do you wannas damage your pocket and buy all those strips and toothpastes and whatnot?
ehh. i don't.

so what does stacy do?

she uses baking soda! 

baking soda is cheap!
i got that huge box for fifty cents. =.="

but baking soda is a natural whitening cheap thingy! 

but just dip your toothbrush in water (some say milk? maybe because it's for stronger teeth. i unno.)
then dip it in a bowl/cup of baking soda. 

your brush should look totally white!

so then you brush for two-three minutes.
rinse throughly and

brush your teeth with baking soda two-three times a week.
the results won't come on the first try, so patience.

so show me that white smile of yours!

<3 - stacy. ( :
ps! the box had a cookie recipe behind it. ROFL!


Friday, July 2, 2010

Demineralizing Teeth =.="

today is all about demineralizing teeth and i have some online books you should read, since i haven't got a chance to. >.>

so these are the reports/books you should read. read them asap, because did you know that fluoride isn't FDA approved? and did you know that fluoride is almost like lead - deadly? did you?!!! i didn't till now. -.-

so read these! also! you need Adobe Reader for these.

Secret to Good, Healthy Gums
The 6 Hidden Dangers in Toothpaste
The Warnings on Toothpaste

these three reports are free on OraMD's website. so check it out, because they have testimonials about their products, if you're a bit jiffy if it works or not. :D
demineralizing teeth is when minerals are removed from the enamel.

i haven't got to read much about demineralizing teeth, so you should do your own research. sorry!
here's a good website.

the product is was given to prevent not cure was "GC MI Paste Plus."
it comes in five flavors, and i had gotten melon. ^_^
it contains fluoride and i had a hard time deciding to use it or not, but i do. *shrugs*
i prefer to try to prevent anymore nasty teeth then using a harmless (i think!) 0.2% fluoride.

the paste is a white paste that is smeared in your mouth and left alone for THREE minutes!
afterwards you use your tongue and spread it all around. your nooks and crannies. :D
it's disgusting at first, but you get use to it.

also! my dentist said that my cause for the white spots (a warning to show that teeth is demineralizing!) is drinking too much soda.
err hello!!!? i don't drink soda! not on a regular basis. like less than a can a month.
she blames sugar, but i have no idea how. >.>

if you wannans know more about this paste go to their website!
this is what it looks like by the way.
wannans know meee awesome nail polish?
head on over to my other bloggie, mintylovee!!

so this is it for now!
i'm not sure on what to write about in the next post. >.>
but oh yea! i went to the dentist today to fix a cavity of mine, but my dentist wasn't here. >.>
i was so pumped and prepared! lol!
so i rescheduled on July 21st... the day before my oral-surgeon appointment for my underbite.
*sigh* back to back teeth appointments. =.=

but bye!!! have an awesome July 4th!
eat but don't forget to floss! 
<3 - stacy. ( :